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Buddha Face | Apr 18-27, 2025
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Module 1: Let's start!
1-1 How to start
1-2 Mindfulness Meditation
1-3 Glossary
BONUS: Mantra of the Buddha
Module 2: Lectures on Background & Symbolism
2-1 Welcome to the lectures (0:44)
2-2 A short introduction to Tibetan Art (9:04)
2-3 The Thangka Tradition & My Thangka Lineage (4:40)
2-4 How did these proportions come into existence? (7:00)
BONUS: Take the Quiz! Test your learning
Module 3: Drawing the Face of the Buddha
3-1 Buddha Face grids (0:56)
3-2 These proportions also work within you (1:24)
3-3 Choosing your proportions & Setting up your grid (8:48)
3-4 Drawing your Buddha Face (8:37)
3-5 Final touches of your drawing (4:11)
BONUS: Daily Mindfulness Meditation
Module 4: Iconograpy, Colours & Inspiration Gallery
4-1 How to proceed + Buddhas in black & white (1:29)
4-2 Iconography & Traditional Colours (12:35)
4-3 Inspiration Gallery! (4:30)
Want to learn the Colouring Techniques?
BONUS: Further Reading
BONUS: Quote
Module 5: Dedication Prayers & Wrapping up
5-1 What's your next step?
5-2 Dedication Prayers
5-3 🙏🏼 Show Me Your Buddha! 🙏🏼
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